Beignets aux pommes

3 tbsp flour

1 egg

1 tbsp oil

a pinch salt

1 tsp rum

¾ cups beer, it’s a Belgium recipe, so why not using Stella?

2 egg whites

500g apples

1 l oil to deep fry apples

·      Mix flour, egg, oil, salt and rum together. Gradually add the beer until you have a smooth mix. 
·      Cover the dough and set aside for 1 hour.
·      Peel apples and cut into rings (remove core…)
·      Heat the oil
·      Beat the egg whites (very stiff!!) and gently stir into the dough. 
·      Place apples in dough and cover, then fry them in the oil
·      Place them on a kitchen wrap and serve them hot.

Mimi’s Tip: tastes best with icing sugar sprinkled on top.